viernes, 1 de diciembre de 2023

week in spain


On Saturday we arrived at the airport in Iceland at half past two, everyone was very excited but nervous at the same time. We played Uno on the plane which was fun. When we arrived in Alicante, we had a bit of a problem with where our car was, but we found it soon after. We arrived in Orihuela and met our families and went home to sleep.


On Sunday, we had a free day all day, so we used the day to go to Alicante to see a castle that was very beautiful, and after that we went to the mall.


The first day at the school

Monday was very fun, we met at the school at 8:00 and we were welcomed. We were put into two groups and we were shown around the school. Then we went to a science museum and then at 19:00 we all met at the school and tok á look at the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn through a microscope.


We have done a lot of fun things, for example going to a lot of fun museums, to the shopping centre and eat a lot of delicious food.


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Inicio de nuevo proyecto Erasmus+ en el ámbito de la educación escolar en IES Gabriel Miró de Orihuela para el curso 2023/24. Nº proyecto 2023-1-ES01-KA121-SCH-000119754

Con este nuevo proyecto vamos a organizar 5 movilidades en grupo de estudiantes a países como Francia, Italia y Polonia. A Francia realizare...