viernes, 1 de diciembre de 2023

Mi semana en España


This has been a very fun week. For the first day we were in Spain we went to Alicante. We visited an old castle on the hill and you could see all of Alicante from the castle. We then went to the mall and had much fun there. On the first day of school we had a welcoming ceremony and then we went to the Orihuela Science Museum which was a very fun experience. We saw all kinds of different science experiments all connected to math or biology. 

On Tuesday we spent the day in Murcia. Murcia is a beautiful city and I hope to be able to come back there someday. In Murcia we went to a couple of museums like The Science And Water Museum. We also went to an aquarium which was very cool. 

Then Wednesday rolled around and we spent the day walking around Orihuela. We visited a catholic school and they have this cathedral which was the most beautiful building I have ever seen. We visited a museum about Miguel Hernandez and we even got to see his childhood home. It was very fun learning about Miguel and seeing where he grew up. This week and experience over all has been very challenging yet very fun and I am excited for today and the days yet to come. 



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Inicio de nuevo proyecto Erasmus+ en el ámbito de la educación escolar en IES Gabriel Miró de Orihuela para el curso 2023/24. Nº proyecto 2023-1-ES01-KA121-SCH-000119754

Con este nuevo proyecto vamos a organizar 5 movilidades en grupo de estudiantes a países como Francia, Italia y Polonia. A Francia realizare...