viernes, 4 de octubre de 2024



In the museum we saw many pieces of jewelry and accessories like the ones in the image and they are especially surprising because they could perfectly go unnoticed as current accessories and jewelry. The combs maintain the same shape and the necklaces have a fairly similar design.

It's probably so important to their culture that they decided to put it in the national museum.

This is horse riding material, and it is normal that it is in this museum due to the great affinity between the Icelandic people and their horses. It became clear to us when we went to see Icelandic mackerel in first person.

A tomb in such a good state of preservation allows us to get closer to the funerary traditions of the ancient Icelanders and their religious rites, it is of key importance. For that reason it could not be missing from a museum of this level. In the museum you can walk on a glass that covers it and get as close as you want to see it.

An image carved in wood of the crucified Christ, which although strange, reminds us that this country has not been Christian for such a short time.

Furthermore, it is a quite different image from the ones we are used to because it is colorless and lacks expressiveness.

This is one of the largest sculptures in the museum, and also one of the strangest because it is quite difficult to understand that this is a woman. Thanks to the reconstructions we can see how it should look. And it is surprising to see how the ancient Icelanders represented their ideas.

A habit that, due to its incredible design and age, earned a place in this spectacular museum.

It is a habit so decorated that it seems to tell biblical stories with its design.

This wooden sculpture of the virgin and her son surprised me enormously because of its ugliness, something unthinkable in our culture, where we represent the sacred as something beautiful.

Some pots seem very unimportant to be in a museum but as soon as we see them we are surprised that they are so similar to the ones we still use today.

Seeing that in such a bygone era they cooked and lived the same as they do now is surprising.

These ancient Icelandic hooks are incredible, because with their enormous size we can imagine the prey they would capture at the time. Directly taken from some of the coldest waters in the world.Fishing has been and continues to be essential in this country.

This is a stone relief where among many decorations we see a crucified Christ between the legs of whom we can imagine is God. Again another example of Christianity in ancient Iceland. I was surprised because I had never seen anything similar in Spanish temples.

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Inicio de nuevo proyecto Erasmus+ en el ámbito de la educación escolar en IES Gabriel Miró de Orihuela para el curso 2023/24. Nº proyecto 2023-1-ES01-KA121-SCH-000119754

Con este nuevo proyecto vamos a organizar 5 movilidades en grupo de estudiantes a países como Francia, Italia y Polonia. A Francia realizare...